Meet Writer and Owner of Travelling Jersey Girl, Laura Vaisman

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I always loved writing since I was able to write. But I’d say the time where I actually considered it was when I was 18 and started my travel blog, Traveling Jersey Girl, which I still have and write on from time to time. I then had another realization at 24 or 25 that I wanted to write a book.

2. How long does it take you to write a book?

I don’t put a deadline on any book I write. My first one Spiritual Nomad took me 4.5 years to write, whereas Penny Panic me 1.5 years. I don’t ever force my creativity, so however long it needs to take is what it will be.

3. Who were your mentors that encouraged you?

Honestly, my family & friends who are so supportive. Most of all my husband who is my biggest fan. Wayne Dyer is a spiritual teacher and his work always resonated with me, so I’d have to say he played a role. And I can’t not say, Gary Vee because his work is that Jersey kick in the ass that I need from time to time.

4. How many books have you written? Which are your favourite?

I’ve written 2 books, Spiritual Nomad: A Journey Within and Abroad & Penny Panic: A Young Girl’s Journey with Anxiety.

I love them both. But Penny was fun to write because it’s a fictional story so it gave me a lot of freedom to be creative. Spiritual Nomad is more like a memoir and super personal to me so that one was hard to write at times and I was scared to put so much out there but I’ve received a lot of positive feedback where people have told me they’ve been through similar things and really took to my story, which is something I’m grateful for.

5. Where do you get information or ideas for your books?

Some ideas just come to me. For example, the idea of wanting to do something for young adults/teens came to mind but my husband helped me formulate the idea and came up with the title. I think it depends on the project.

A lot of the times when I’m driving, taking a shower, or working out is where my ideas come to me the most. I believe it’s probably because my mind is clear and I’m in somewhat of a meditative state and ideas flow easily to me.

6. Do you hear from your readers? What do they have to say?

Yes, I hear from them often. I’ve had many people tell me that they really love reading my books. They love my approach to mental health in a real authentic way. They love that I’m not afraid to speak about my vulnerabilities and do it in a way that resonates with people. I understand how uncomfortable it may be so my goal is to create a space where people can feel comfortable speaking about their vulnerabilities.

7.Can you name one woman who has inspired you?

My mom. She’s a powerful spiritual woman even if at times she doesn’t see it.

8. What is one piece of advice you would give any aspiring female entrepreneurs reading this?

AUTHENTICITY. I can’t say that enough. Don’t fall for the bullshit that you should be anything other than who you are. Your weirdness, or quirks? Good, roll with it. Don’t fall for whatever the “industry” says you have to be especially as a woman. Entrepreneurship is hard as fuck and sometimes it sucks, but you can fall and you will many times but don’t allow it to destroy you. You are stronger than you realize and you are talented just as you are. You need patience, discipline and grit to keep going and try your best to eliminate what other people think of you. They don’t know shit. You got this.

Laura Vaisman

Laura Vaisman is a writer, avid traveler, a curious soul and business owner for her website, Traveling Jersey Girl where she chronicles her travels as she gains a spiritual perspective wherever she goes. When she’s not traveling she writes about whatever her heart desires. She wrote her first book, Spiritual Nomad: A Journey Within And Abroad. And recently released, her second book for teens struggling with anxiety, Penny Panic: A Young Girl’s Journey with Anxiety. She is also a mental health leader, where she speaks openly about her own vulnerabilities to create the space for others to do the same. 

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Facebook: Traveling Jersey Girl 


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